A Variety of Different Equipment and Exercises to Get You Healthy and Fit

Foam Rolling For Your Hip
Benefits from Foam Rolling include- Improved blood circulation throughout your skin, fascia, muscles, and even tendons and ligaments where you can access them with a foam roller. Through improved blood circulation, more efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products at a cellular level, leading to better overall cellular function and inter-cellular communication.

Roger Using the VIPR for a Side Shuffle
Benefits of the using the VIPR- ViPR bridges the gap between movement and strength. It’s the ultimate functional, whole-body training tool, combining the programming of a traditional resistance workout together with the physical agility needed for an optimal sports or fitness performance, easily making the ViPR the most innovative fitness breakthrough in years. ViPR can be used to achieve any fitness goal: • Increase muscle strength and tone • Combine strength and movement training • Improve balance and flexibility • Increase strength and power • Burn calories and reduce body fat.

Tasha Stretching After a Training Session
Benefits of stretching after a workout- For top performance it is important to keep the muscles functioning optimally. Increasing and optimizing range of motion by gentle post-workout stretches can optimize performance. The key is to be gentle and listen to your body. Push the muscles just a little without overtaxing them. By holding a comfortable reaching stretch, over time you can reach further because your muscles lengthen to adapt to the increased demand.

David Flipping The Big Tire
Benefits of Tire Flipping- First off outdoor training can be lots of fun and you get some sun! Like other cross training movements, tire flipping is an explosive strength training that also brings an aerobic benefit to the exercise. Flipping tires can develop great functional strength that can really aid you in sports like Jiu Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, or just everyday fitness.

Maria Performing a 1-Legged Squat on the TRX
Benefits of 1-Legged Squats on TRX- One-legged squats use the body's weight as natural resistance, and by doing the exercise on one leg at a time, each leg gets more resistance for greater muscle building benefits. The muscles of the legs will become strengthened and toned, and the ligaments in the joints will also benefit from this resistance exercise.

Pushup With Rotation
Benefits of Pushup with Rotation- The rotational pushup provides the advantages a standard pushup and a side plank, as well as the rotation of your trunk in the transition between the two exercises. During the pushup stage, you build strength in your arms, shoulders, chest, abdominals and lower back. When you transition to the second stage, your body has to sense the location and orientation of your rotating body and raised arm in space, which is known as proprioception. You're not only strengthening your core muscles for stabilization, but also increasing your neuromuscular control to maintain balance.

David Training on the Prowler
Benefits of Prowler Training- Regardless of your goals – whether it’s to lose weight, build muscle, get faster, stronger or more fit or improve your sports’ performance, the prowler is a great addition to your training regimen. By changing the training variables (added weight, time, etc.) for each client, the prowler can be used to achieve effective results towards a wide range of training goals. The prowler is also the ideal piece of equipment for those with banged up knees. The client with knee pain who may not be ready for squatting can still benefit from prowler pushing to train the legs and develop better hip extension without beating up the knees further. Not to mention, prowler work is a great way to aid recovery between training sessions while not hurting your joints.

Foam Rolling Your IT Band
The iliotibial band, the band that runs on the outside of the leg from the hip to just below the knee, is one of the parts of the body most susceptible to injury in runners. Roll the foam roller on the side of the leg, slowly back and forth toward the top of the leg, particularly on the quad, where it meets the IT band. This helps to increase blood flow and circulation, aiding healing and preventing injury.

Tasha Performing an OverHead Lunge
Benefits of the Overhead Lunge- This is a variation of the basic lunge exercise that works the entire body and has tremendous benefits for most people. By holding weights overhead while performing a lunge, you build upper- and- lower-body strength, increase the power and speed in the legs and improve core strength during movements. The overhead lunge exercise builds lower body strength in the quads, glutes and core, while improving balance and proprioception.

Benefits of Kettlebell Training- The shape of the kettlebell allows for unique positioning of the weight directly above your center of mass and allows you to keep your hand and wrists in neutral alignment, which enable for greater endurance and longevity in the core lifts (swings, clean and press, snatches), so that you can produce a much higher volume of exercise and thus greater conditioning and fitness. Because the center of mass on a kettlebell "swings", micro-muscle fibers are recruited to balance the kettlebell, recruiting more stabilizing musculature than would a dumbbell.

Roger Using the TRX
Benefits of Using the TRX- TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise. It's a type of training that uses your own body weight and gravity to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability, all while preventing injuries. The TRX was originally designed by a Navy Seal who needed to stay in shape within limited space using something he could easily take on his travels. (This is why you can pack it up and take it with you nearly anywhere you can place the anchor point.)

David Using the Battle Ropes
Benefits of Rope Training- Battle Ropes come in all shapes and sizes, typically ranging from the 8-15m range in length, and are anywhere between 2.5 to 5cm thick. They weigh between 7.5 and 20 kg, depending on the thickness and length. The major benefit of training with battle ropes is the application of upper body power, combined with endurance. Power endurance is an extremely demanding task on the body. It is essentially the ability to apply maximal force, at maximal speed, for a maximal amount of time. This requires a huge demand on the energy systems in the body, burning a huge amount of calories and improving strength and fitness. Power endurance is the “holy grail” of athletic performance — so why not train like an athlete and reap the same benefits.

Maria Performing Mountain Climbers on the TRX
Benefits of Mountain Climbers on the TRX- Mountain climbers are calisthenic exercises that challenge your balance, agility, proprioception and coordination. They benefit muscular and cardiovascular fitness by increasing strength, flexibility and blood circulation. Mountain climbers require you to engage your upper arms muscles, as well as your core and your legs.

Tasha Stretching Hamstrings Post Workout
Benefits of Hamstring Flexibility- Flexible hamstring muscles can benefit the overall health of your body. By strengthening and stretching your hamstring muscles as part of your everyday fitness routine, you can achieve strong, limber thighs that will support the rest of your muscle groups, preventing injuries and improving your physical abilities. Tight hamstrings reduce the mobility of your pelvis, which in turn increases strain and pressure on your lower back. It is recommended to strengthen and stretch your hamstrings to reduce lower back pain. Your hamstring muscles will better support your back and pelvis while you move if the muscles are strong and flexible.

Roger Performing a Bosu Pushup With 1 Leg Elevated
Benefits of Using a Bosu Ball- Most Bosu workouts utilize imbalance in conjunction with traditional exercises and motions. This forces your body to utilize additional muscle groups in order to stabilize yourself as you work out. Working these extra areas helps strengthen muscles that don't often get directly addressed. Trying to counteract the Bosu ball's natural unsteadiness pushes your coordination and balance to new levels. Trying to maintain proper form while doing even simple exercises like push-ups or squats gains a whole new world of difficulty when using the Bosu. Working out with the Bosu keeps your body guessing and keeps it working to compensate no matter what exercises you choose.

David Performing a Deadlift
Benefits of a Deadlift- Deadlifts are effective exercises to develop your core strength, which is derived by training the central muscles of your body. Muscles that make up the core are found in your upper and lower back, your hips, your buttocks and your abdominals. All those muscles work in unison when you perform deadlifts. Having a strong core is important for healthy posture and preventing back problems.

Proper Form is Essential for Injury Prevention
Proper form of each exercise is essential to prevent injuries. One of the major causes for injury, while working out, is incorrect form when performing an exercise. This is where hiring a personal trainer can truly benefit anyone who needs some guidance.

Roger Performing a Lateral Lunge Using a VIPR
What is VIPR?- The ViPR – which is pronounced ‘viper’ and stands for Vitality, Performance and Reconditioning – is in fact rather like a Swiss Army knife of exercise gadgets. It can be carried, dragged, thrown, flipped, stepped on and rolled – and is easily stored. It can be lifted in the air to tone arms, swung to work out the sides and is said to burn calories and build muscle. It also replaces several pieces of established gym equipment – dumb bells (small hand weights for the bicep lifted with one hand), bar bells (weights on each side of a bar to be lifted with both hands), kettlebells (an iron ball with a handle), medicine ball (weighted basketball), balance device (inflatable semicircular ball used for floor training), and speed ladder (plastic ladder).

Tasha Performing a Step-Up & Curl
Benefits of Balance Training- Balance training is an important component of an integrated exercise program and can enhance joint stabilization and postural control during active movement. In addition, balance exercises improve our body’s ability to respond effectively to unstable environments.

Tasha Using a Triggerpoint Ball
Benefits of Trigger Point Massage- A trigger point develops when a muscle is constantly being activated and then stays contracted. This could be the result of overuse, misuse, inflammation, trauma, or nerve dysfunction. Trigger point therapy works by applying gentle pressure to the knot through massage. The pressure creates a slight stretch in the muscle, disrupting the constant activation and allowing the muscle to return to its normal resting state. Trigger point movements should feel like a deep massage.

David Performing Ring Pullups
Benefits of Pullups- The pullup builds grip strength in its entirety because the fingers, hands and forearms are all used. Pullups also develop the biceps, triceps and shoulders, giving you powerful strength and superior muscularity. Muscles throughout the entire back are bombarded with enough stress to make them grow stronger, especially the latissimus dorsi and trapezius. Additionally, your abdominal muscles are given a good workout due to the stabilization needed through the entire core.

Roger Performing a Dumbbell Bench Press
Benefits of Dumbbell Training- Lifting two weights simultaneously requires and develops not only your muscles but also your nervous system. Consisting of your brain, spinal cord, motor and sensory nerves, a well-developed nervous system will result in better balance and coordination. Balance and coordination are essential for sporting and daily activities and working out with dumbbells will develop your nervous system far more than using resistance machines or barbells.